Updates (Mar., Apr. 2013)
In the last two months, Team POPONG did the followings.
Politician Dictionary
Layout renewal (in progress): Attempted to change from a 2-column to 3-column layout, but decided to go back to 2 columns
- Autocomplete(typeahead) in search box
- Add feature to save favorite politicians to cart
- Display more personal information of politicians
- district, job, education, experience, address
- Separate timeline and trends into new tabs
- Test GIN(Generalized Inverted Index) index + trigram module: sequential search was faster because the dataset is too small
- Search by political party affiliation
- Improve transliteration using Unidecode
- Database history management through Alembic
- Refine politician address and district data
- ex:
경기 부천시원미구을
->경기도<Province> 부천시<Municipality> 원미구<Municipality> 을
- ex:
- Collect more minutes (Updated crawler)
- popong.com
- Migrate internal repositories to GitHub: Gradually turning to open-source :)
- Websites: popong.com, blog.popong.com, popong.com/iamseoulmayor, labs.popong.com/codenamu
- Data: South Korean maps, South Korean population
- Codes: Crawlers, NLP
- Participated in Open Data Day hosted by OKFN Korea